Wellness & Nutrition


Minding Our Memory: Challenges and Training Techniques

What does it mean to mind our memory? As we age, many of us will experience some sort of cognitive decline, whether it’s age-related memory loss or dementia. By minding our memory and prioritizing cognitive health, we can help prevent cerebral atrophy and maintain stable levels of cognitive function. According to Dr. Linda Ercoli, there […]


Reframing Old Age into a New Map of Life

Today people are living longer than we ever thought possible. Since 1960, life expectancy has increased by nearly a decade to 77.8 years. And our aging population will continue to grow, with our Baby Boomer senior population almost doubling in the coming years. As we live longer, how can we enjoy the years that come […]


Never Too Late: A Senior’s Journey to Wellness and Transformation

How many times have you wondered about your physical health in relation to your age, or even your physical health at all? Discouraging thoughts such as “I wish I could go back to my younger years and focus on my health,” “If I were a little bit younger, I would make my health a priority,” […]


Six Tips to Mitigate Cognitive Decline Without Meds

With an estimated 6.2 million Americans age 65+ living with Alzheimer’s disease, many families struggle to slow cognitive decline in loved ones. There has been virtually no innovation in medications since 2003, and recent breakthroughs are limited and costly. However, non-medicinal interventions can be very effective. Belmont Village Senior Living shares six lifestyle tips that […]


The Benefits of Balanced Hormones in Women’s Health

The importance of estrogen Hormones are chemical messengers your body naturally releases into the bloodstream to regulate function by interacting with specific receptors. Contrary to popular belief, the hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone aren’t just for your reproductive system. Estrogen alone serves more than 400 important functions in the body. As women age, the natural […]


The Wonders of Wisdom

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” —Socrates What is wisdom? Wisdom is a complex human trait that can be difficult to define. It’s a unique personality trait that has many different components. But more than that, it’s a specific brain state with its own biological and cognitive signature. Studies have shown […]

Daughter visit with senior father

How to Embrace Your Elderhood

What is “Old?” Old age is relative. As human life expectancy continues to increase, people are living decades longer than what was once considered “old.” The exact figure is hard to define. What age is considered old to you? What does old mean to different people? A PEW Research Center survey showed that what people […]


The Power of Mindfulness for Depression in Older Adults

Depression and Anxiety in Seniors Depression and anxiety in seniors is common, but that doesn’t mean it’s a normal part of aging. In older adults, many signs of depression can be misinterpreted as symptoms of a health condition, cognitive decline or medication side effect. As we age, people experience many important life changes that may […]


Heart-Healthy Living Tips

Age-related heart changes The heart is an amazing organ that circulates blood and infuses our entire body and organs with vital oxygen and nutrients. Aging can cause changes in the heart and blood vessels, including arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and arrhythmias (rhythm disorders). As we age, blood vessels in the heart can become diseased […]


The Flu and COVID: Why Vaccination is More Important than Ever

Getting a flu vaccine is always the first, best step in staying healthy through the prolonged flu season, which begins in the fall and can last well into spring. It’s even more important this year during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as health experts caution that it is possible have flu and COVID at the same […]