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Assisted Living at Belmont Village
One of the things we hear most often from our assisted living residents is “I wish I had come sooner.” Here, you’ll find the perfect balance of independence and support. It’s the peace of mind of knowing that help is here if you need it. And the assurance that you don’t have to give up the activities you enjoy or, for that matter, things you haven’t tried yet.
As we get older, our abilities change. We’re here to learn what you want to do and to help you accomplish it. We’ll develop a personal care plan that focuses on your strengths, then we’ll provide the specific support you need to have the life that you want.
- Seniors who need some assistance with activities of daily living
- Older Adults who need help managing health needs and medications
- Daily recreational and therapeutic activities for mind and body
- Enriching programs for brain health and social engagement
Early changes in memory or cognitive ability don’t have to mean a complete lifestyle change. Learn more Circle of Friends®, Belmont Village’s comprehensive therapeutic Assisted Living program for residents with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and early to moderate memory loss.

You know you’re home at Belmont Village when you’re surrounded by friends in a community you love, with activities you enjoy and caregivers you can count on. See the full scope of our assisted living program and the support you’ll find at Belmont Village:
- Whole Brain Fitness lifestyle
- Full time licensed nurse on-site 24/7
- Physical, occupational and speech therapies available on-site
- Active social life with full daily calendar of activities, events and outings
- Extensive brain health and memory care programs
- Chef-prepared, restaurant-style dining with 24+ daily menu choices
- Professionally supervised fitness center
- Medication management
- Short-term stays for transitional care or respite care
- Management of diabetes and other chronic conditions
- Daily wellness checks
- Assistance with activities of daily living by well-trained staff
- Concierge and transportation services
- Housekeeping and laundry
Belmont Village offers best-in-class care, services and amenities. We design, build and operate all of our communities to high standards of life-safety, in a style that is comfortable for our residents and fits well with the neighborhood. Locations are carefully selected so that residents can remain active and engaged in the communities they love.
Founded in research with leading university partners, our award-winning programs set the standard for senior living. Staff members are carefully selected and trained. For the past two years, Belmont Village has been certified as a Great Place to Work® and listed as one of FORTUNE Magazine’s Top 50 Workplaces for Aging Services. Our mission is to create a community where all members can thrive.
Assisted living was created as an option for older adults who need some support with activities of daily living, or to manage medications and health issues. At Belmont Village, our goal has always been to take that model a step further. From the start, we’ve done our homework, reaching out to leaders in architecture, health care, dining and hospitality, cognitive research and memory care.
We’ve been innovators and pioneers, leading the field in initiatives such as around-the-clock nursing, making us a Diabetes Center of Excellence. Our professionally staffed fitness centers offer wellness programs and therapy services and our dining programs cater to a variety of tastes and nutritional needs.
Most importantly, our range of award-winning memory care programs start in Assisted Living and allow residents to transition easily to a higher level of care when necessary. That means residents don’t have to move when care needs change and couples with different care needs can stay together under one roof—like always.