Belmont Village Webinars

Taking Care of Loved One with Dementia
Join us for an insightful session for caregivers and family of those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Laura will discuss tips for taking care of your loved one with dementia including communication, daily caretaking, and how to seek help.
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Dementia 101: Navigating Challenging Behaviors
The difficult behaviors that can accompany dementia often have new caregivers at a loss for words. Join us as we take a deeper dive into the many challenging behaviors that are often seen in those with dementia. We’ll learn tips for navigating these new challenges, approaches, and techniques to effectively care for your loved one.
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Targeting Alzheimer’s: A Research Update with Dr. Jim Ray
Join us as Dr. Jim Ray discusses the scientific challenges of Alzheimer’s disease, why existing drugs have failed and the strategies that MD Anderson’s Neurodegeneration Consortium scientists have developed to detect and slow or stop its progression, and the current state of Alzheimer’s disease drugs.
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Dementia 101: Communication Tips
Join us to discuss the best methods to communicate with a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. We’ll explore ways that dementia can affect an individual’s ability to communicate at various stage of the disease and provide tips on the most effective ways to communicate with those living with the disease.
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Dementia 101: An Educational Series
Watch the first installment of our educational series on navigating dementia as a caregiver, care partner or simply a friend. The series will educate us on the basics of dementia, changing family dynamics, communication tips, and how to navigate challenging behaviors associated with dementia.
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Whole Brain Fitness: A Road Map to Successful Aging
Join us as gerontologist and memory care expert delves into the key components of successful aging and Belmont Village’s evidence-based Circle of Friends memory care program.
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Women and Alzheimer’s: Why Are We at Higher Risk and What Can Be Done?
Learn about the science and statistics of women and dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, why women are at higher risk and how women can reduce their risks of dementia.
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Keep Calm and Carry on When Dealing with Families and Dementia
In this event for healthcare professionals, explore the difficulties of guiding an individual with dementia’s family through the healthcare system, the tools clinicians use to help, how to address denial for the individual’s family and more. This webinar is available to all and not limited to professionals.
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Navigating the Holidays and Memory Loss
Understand how to prepare, maintain routines, build memories and how to involve your loved one in your favorite holiday traditions when faced with a loved one’s memory loss.
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