Belmont Village Webinars

Breast Cancer Basics
Hear from Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute’s Chief of Breast Surgery Dr. Jane Mendez about the importance of prevention, screening, treatment, and awareness of breast cancer.
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An Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers
In this webinar, we will discuss issues commonly faced, including guilt, sibling strife, and the opening of old wounds. You’ll learn valuable lessons to aid you in the toughest and possibly most rewarding job you’ll ever have.
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Gut Health & Brain Health
Learn about the emerging research discoveries regarding the microbiome, its purpose and role in brain health and other medical conditions.
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Lessons On Immunity
Learn how immunity changes as we age, how we can “boost” immunity, and factors that can affect immunity. We’ll also discuss how vaccines improve our immunity and what’s to come for COVID-19 boosters.
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The MIND Diet
Join us for a webinar about The MIND Diet, developed by nutritional epidemiologists at Rush University Medical Center, which includes foods and nutrients that research has shown to be beneficial for brain health.
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Health for All Through Integrative East-West Medicine
Join us for an informative webinar with Dr. Hui as we discover the benefits of integrative East-West medicine. We’ll learn exactly what East-West medicine is, its benefits in our health journeys, and its applications to common chronic pain conditions.
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Minding Our Memory
In this webinar, Linda Ercoli, PhD, a geriatric psychologist and expert in aging, will talk about memory changes in normal aging, cognitive enhancement techniques to compensate for these age-related memory changes, and the effects of cognitive training on the human brain.
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A New Map of Life
Join Dr. Carstensen with the Stanford Center on Longevity to learn the role that culture plays in life expectancy and the importance of building a culture that supports century-long lives.
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Never Too Late: A Senior’s Journey to Wellness & Transformation
Hear from 75 year old fitness sensation, Joan MacDonald, on her fitness and nutrition regimen, as well as the advice she has for seniors and women who want to transform their lives.
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A Guide to a Healthy Brain and Successful Aging
Learn about a driving factor in Alzheimer’s and dementia research: the search to develop alternate methods to measure neurodegenerative diseases and preserve brain health.
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