Belmont Village Webinars

Navigating the Challenges of Aging
In contrast with many presentations on the negative changes to be expected in aging, the panelists will focus on take-home messages about what can be done to meet the challenges associated with aging. This panel features four experts in Geriatric Medicine and Elder Care.
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Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Grandchild
Watch our educational webinar for grandparents and those with younger loved ones who are coming out as LGBTQ+. We’ll learn how sexual orientation differs from gender identity, tips for showing your support, and more.
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Seniors & Stress
During this webinar, Baptist Health’s Chief of cardiology, Dr. Jonathan Fialkow, will discuss how to achieve your ideal heart health.
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10 Tips for Avoiding Heart Disease
During this webinar, Baptist Health’s Chief of cardiology, Dr. Jonathan Fialkow, will discuss how to achieve your ideal heart health.
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Eating for Successful Aging
During this webinar, Dr. Schneider discusses why it’s time to throw away most of your supplements, nutrition tips every senior should know, and the Mediterranean Diet. You’ll also learn more about organic foods, weight and longevity, wine and more.
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Understanding Diabetes
Hear from a leading diabetes physician as we learn the basics of diabetes and how it develops, the risk factors for developing diabetes and pre-diabetes and why it is growing in prevalence. We’ll also discuss how we can prevent and manage diabetes and pre-diabetes.
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Your Memory Is Your Story
Actress Marilu Henner discusses her extraordinary memory capabilities and how our memories can influence our present and future. Learn how to use your memories to hone decision-making capability to inform a better future, why memory is more than memorization, and how it’s one of our strongest assets in life.
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The Science & Nurturing of Practical Wisdom
Learn more about what we know about the biological and psychological roots of wisdom and how we can cultivate or even accelerate development of wisdom in our lives.
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Broken Hearts: Surviving Intense Grief (CEU)
Understand healthy copy skills and what not to say to someone who is grieving, and learn about Broken Heart Syndrome in which the body physically reacts to the stress of grief.
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Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life
Challenge not only the way you look at aging, but also the way you think and feel about medicine in a time where people are living longer than ever before.
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